use rand::{
distributions::{Distribution, Standard},
define_byte_array_wrapper! {
/// Database ID is a locally public random byte array that can be used by the apps using this
/// library to identify the database file. For example, if the app stores passwords externally
/// (e.g. fingerprint biometric) it can do so under the DATABASE_ID as key. Note that the
/// RepositoryId could - in theory - also be used for this purpose, but in case the
/// database IDs are leaked to an adversary without the actual database files, the adversary
/// will not be able to link the DATABASE_ID to a corresponding repository. For that reason
/// database IDs may be preferable.
pub struct DatabaseId([u8; 16 /* 128 bit */]);
impl Distribution<DatabaseId> for Standard {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> DatabaseId {